Evidence/Based Research


Reviewer. (2010, Oct.). Discrimination as a Risk Factor for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder among Minority Women. Journal of Women’s Health.

Futterman, L.A. (2010, Sep.) Female Sexual Dysfunction, A Silent Condition. San Diego
    Psychologist, Vol. 25, #4,1, 5-8.

Speed Healing. (2010). Dr. Futterman was interviewed for and featured in the chapter “Premenstrual Syndrome,” 271. Bottom Line Books.

Reviewer. (2010, April). Assessing Work Productivity Impairment in Women with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Journal of Women’s Health.

Futterman, L.A. (2009). Advances in the Diagnosis of Premenstrual Syndrome and
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Expert Opinion in Medical Diagnostics Journal.

Futterman, L.A. (2009, December). President’s Corner: Reflections on the year 2009: How have we done? San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 24, #8, 4-5.

Futterman, L.A. (2009, October/November). President’s Corner: Volunteering: A Means of Giving and Advocacy. San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 24, #7, 4-5.

Reviewer. (2009, September). Perceived Stress and Severity of Perimenstrual Symptoms. Journal of Women’s Health.

Futterman, L.A. (2009, August/September). President’s Corner: Maintaining Balance within Our Profession. San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 24, #6, 6-7.

Futterman, L.A. (2009, June/July). President’s Corner: Have We Safeguarded Our Profession Against Trauma? San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 24, #5, 4-5.

Futterman, L.A. (2009, May). President’s Corner: “Governing One’s Self Precedes Governing Others”: The Board of Directors Sets Goals and Strategy. San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 24, #4, 4-5.

Futterman, L.A. (2009, April). President’s Corner: How Diverse Are We? San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 24, #3, 3-4.

Futterman, L.A. (2009, March). President’s Corner: Leadership and Governance within our Organization. San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 24, #2, 3-4.

Futterman, L.A. (2009, February). President’s Corner: Moving Forward in 2009. San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 24, #1, 3-4.

Futterman, L.A., Brummer, M.A., Pates, H., Hildebrandt, S. (2008, September/October). The Politics of Social Change: The Power of Psychologists in Action in San Diego County. San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 41, #5, 14-18.

Reviewer. (2008, August). Is exercise an effective treatment for premenstrual syndrome: A
comprehensive review. Journal of Women’s Health.

Futterman, L.A. (2008, June). Treatment of Premenstrual Disorders. San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 23, #6, 1, 7-8.

Reviewer. (2008, May). Premenstrual syndrome prevalence and fluctuation over time: Results from a French population-based survey. Journal of Women’s Health.

Futterman, L.A. (2008, April). Diagnosis of Premenstrual Disorders. San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 23, #4, 9-12.

Reviewer: (2007). Depression and Anxiety.

Futterman, L.A. & Rapkin, A.J. (2006, April). Diagnosis of Premenstrual Disorders. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, Vol. 51, #4, 349-358.

Reviewer: (2006). Depression and Anxiety.

Futterman, L.A. (2005, November). Female Sexual Dysfunction: Physicians Hesitate to Take a Sexual History. San Diego Psychologist, Vol. 20, #15.

Borenstein, J.E., Brown, et al. (2002). An Evidence-based Approach to the Management of Premenstrual Syndrome: Report of Findings of a Modified Delphi Panel.

For a complete list of publications, please refer to Dr. Lori Futterman’s Curriculum Vitae

Please also see Articles link for White Papers and other print material

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